Sunday, February 8, 2009


Haven't done a whole lot of editing lately, but here is a more corporately shown video that i edited for "Ladies Night Out". Ladies, I hope you take a new look at your life, let it impact you in a new way, and realize your purpose and influence....

because i edited it =D

Nurture from Marcus Hackler on Vimeo.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Free Hair Cut

Sometimes as interns, you have to resort to getting creative to save money. I went over it afterwards with a thinning razor, and accidentally took a chunk out, leaving me with a spot that's only 1/5 of an inch long... =x whoops.

Will You Cut My Hair? from Joel Foust on Vimeo.

The Office Christmas Party

The Office- Christmas Party from kenrick barkell on Vimeo.